Your BBQ grill is an investment, and you know it’s important to protect your investment. Here is what a good grill cover can do for you: Protects from the Elements– Even if your grill is protected on a porch or under the roofline, it is still kept outside and therefore susceptible to the elements. In
Summer is upon us, and if your grill isn’t already out, it will be soon! Here are 3 things you can do while grilling that will make cleanup go well afterwards. Oil the grates. Be sure the grates are well oiled, particularly when you’re cooking vegetables or lean meats, to prevent the food from sticking
Grill owners know the importance of keeping their grills clean. Clean grills mean better tasting food! However, there is a notorious grill cleaning myth that is a serious safety hazard to your grill and to you. MYTH:The myth states that you can clean your grill by covering the grates with foil, cranking the heat up
Grills are highly susceptible to rust, especially here in humid Northeast Florida. After all, metal plus moisture almost always equals rust. Use our tips to help keep your grill free of rust and in great shape season after season! Clean your grill after each use. Once you’re done with the cooking, let the grill cool
Here in Jacksonville, we can grill and cook outside nearly all year long, as long as the grill is in good shape! A few simple tasks will keep your grill clean, safe, and cooking great… Clean your grill after using it. Every time you cook on your grill, give it a quick clean before shutting
Your gas grill receives a lot of use, especially in Northeast Florida where it’s warm all year round, and it’s an important part of your family’s outdoor space. Even with brief cleaning after each use, buildup will appear on the grill and it’ll start to look worse for the wear. A thorough, deep cleaning is